GIS Cloud Suite

Publishing Local 3D Cache

GIS Cloud Suite supports to publish Local 3D Cache as REST 3D Service. Please publish Local 3D Cache by the following steps:

  1. Log in to GIS Cloud Suite, clicks on iManager Home > System Management; clicks Service Management > Service Instances on the left navigation bar; clicks on + Publish Service on the page of Service Instances. Selects Local 3D Cache and clicks on Next.

  2. Fills out the datasource information.

    • Cache configuration file(Required): Add the configuration file(*.scp, *.sct, *.sci3d) from the file manager, or enter the path of configuration file. Please refer GIS Cloud Suite > File Management to use File Manager.
    • Clip Bounds: Fill in the coordinate to specify the bound to clip.
  3. Select the service type. Please refer to the relationship table in GIS Cloud Suite >Service Management > Service Instances > Publish Service.
  4. Define Service Name, the name of the service instance. The service name will be generated according to datasource and service type automatically if you do not define.
  5. Select the service node.

    • New node: Create a service node to carry the service instance. If this is your first time to publish service, you need to create a service node.
    • Existing nodes(Recommend): Select the existing service nodes to carry the service instance. If the existing service nodes do not have the license permission, please create a new one.
  6. Clicks on Publish and wait for the prompt.