GIS Cloud Suite

iServer Services Migration

GIS Cloud Suite supports to migrate the services which are publised in SuperMap iServer to GIS Cloud Suite, please follow the steps below to migrate the services.

  1. In SuperMap iServer package floder, enter to the child folder ‘webapps/iserver/WEB-INF’.
  2. Open the file ‘iserver-services-interfaces.xml’.
  3. Copy the code inside the <application> node of ‘iserver-services-interfaces.xml’ file.
  4. Open the file ‘iserver-services.xml’ in the ‘webapps/iserver/WEB-INF’ folder.
  5. Paste the code which is copied from step 3 to the ‘iserver-services.xml’ file(inside <application> node).
  6. Login to GIS Cloud Suite, go to iManager Home > System Management, click on Service Management > Service Instances > Publish Service.
  7. Open Advanced Options, copy the code from ‘iserver-services.xml’ file, and paste into Advanced Options.

    If any datasource of service was local files, uploading the files to file manager in GIS Cloud Suite. In <providers> node of Advanced Options, modify the storage path of datasource to the new path(the path in file manager). The method of using file manager please refer to File Management > File Manager.

  8. Click on Next.
  9. Select the service node.

    • New node: Create a service node to carry the service instance. If this is your first time to publish service, you need to create a service node.
    • Existing nodes(Recommend): Select the existing service nodes to carry the service instance. If the existing service nodes do not have the license permission, please create a new one.
  10. Click on Publish.

The services will be listed in the service instance list after published successfully, you can visit and manage the migrated services.