Alibaba Cloud NAS Configuration
Please follow the steps to configure Alibaba Cloud NAS:
Create ServiceAccount
- Visit Kubernetes UI. The address is
, replaceIP
by the actual IP of Kubernetes master node. -
Selects Kube-system in the Namaspace, and click on CREATE on the right corner of the page.
Create YAML file(You an create from text input, or create from file). The content of YAML file is in below:
apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: labels: type: storage-class kind: imanager-base name: nas-client-controller --- kind: ClusterRoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: labels: type: storage-class kind: imanager-base name: run-nfs-client-provisioner subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: nas-client-controller namespace: kube-system roleRef: kind: ClusterRole name: nfs-client-provisioner-runner apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
- Click on UPLOAD.
Install Nas Controller
- Repeat the steps 1-2 of Create ServiceAccount.
Create YAML file. The content of YAML file is in below:
kind: Deployment apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 metadata: name: alicloud-nas-controller namespace: kube-system spec: strategy: type: Recreate template: metadata: labels: app: alicloud-nas-controller spec: tolerations: - operator: Exists affinity: nodeAffinity: preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 1 preference: matchExpressions: - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master operator: Exists priorityClassName: system-node-critical serviceAccount: nas-client-controller hostNetwork: true containers: - name: nfs-provisioner image: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/acs/alicloud-nas-controller:v1.14.3.8-58bf821-aliyun env: - name: PROVISIONER_NAME value: alicloud/nas securityContext: privileged: true volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/log name: log volumes: - hostPath: path: /var/log name: log
- Click on UPLOAD.
Create StorageClass
GIS application and database need different StorageClass when binding a same NAS. If you change both GIS application and database to NAS storage, you need to create two StorageClass.
Create Database StorageClass
- Repeat the steps 1-2 of Create ServiceAccount.
Create YAML file. The content of YAML file is in below:
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1 kind: StorageClass metadata: labels: kind: imanager-base name: alicloud-nas-database mountOptions: - nolock,tcp,noresvport - vers=3 parameters: server: "23a9649583-iaq37.cn-shenzhen.nas.aliyuncs.com:/nasroot1/" driver: flexvolume provisioner: alicloud/nas reclaimPolicy: Delete
- Click on UPLOAD.
Create GIS Application StorageClass
- Repeat the steps 1-2 of Create ServiceAccount.
Create YAML file. The content of YAML file is in below:
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1 kind: StorageClass metadata: labels: kind: imanager-base name: alicloud-nas-gisappset mountOptions: - nolock,tcp,noresvport - vers=3 parameters: server: "23a9649583-iaq37.cn-shenzhen.nas.aliyuncs.com:/nasroot1/" driver: flexvolume provisioner: alicloud/nas reclaimPolicy: Delete
- Click on UPLOAD.